
Bronze age superman cbr torrent
Bronze age superman cbr torrent

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Superman can also swim at speeds approaching Aquaman's speed as well as run at speeds similar to that of the Flash. He could also use this power to travel through time, as shown in his boyhood visits to the 30th century as a member of the Legion of Superheroes. He could cross our own solar system in minutes. Several stories depict him traversing great distances through space to other solar systems and distant galaxies and even other universes. Super Speed: Superman's speed increased to the point where he could travel faster than light.Flight: The character gained the power of true flight.Super Strength: Superman's strength was increased to the point where he could move entire planets.Individuals from the planet Daxam, such as Mon-El, possessed identical powers, but were invulnerable to Kryptonite and highly susceptible to lead poisoning. In Silver Age stories, the powers and limitations of Superman were instantly possessed by any Kryptonians exposed to Earth or Earth-like conditions. As such, Superman's powers were negated if he entered an environment similar to that of Krypton, such as the bottle city of Kandor, or if he was exposed to the solar energy of a red sun. His powers were explained as a result of two factors: the comparatively weaker gravity of Earth, and the intensity of Earth's yellow sun. Superman's powers were enhanced and added to from the 1940s until the mid-eighties. Super Senses: Superman’s eyesight and hearing were far in excess of a human being’s.However, he was not so invulnerable as in his modern depictions although immune to conventional firearms, heavy artillery could injure and possibly kill him. Super Durability: Superman was highly resistant to injury.Enhanced Leaping: could leap over an 8th of a mile or over a tall building.Super Speed: Superman could run faster than an express train.Super Strength: The character was depicted as having the ability to move large vehicles, including cars, trains, and ships.When introduced in the late 1930s, Superman had the following powers and limitations: Later, Krypton's larger size and gravity was given as an explanation for the character's powers. 2 Silver/Bronze Age (Pre-Crisis) SupermanĪs presented in the original 1930's comic strip, Superman's powers were innate to all Kryptonians, whose "physical structure was millions of years advanced of own." In the origin stories of the comic books and comic strip, Kryptonians were shown using the same powers that Superman would have on Earth.

Bronze age superman cbr torrent